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The most influencing Instagramers from the Northern Hemisphere will be gathering upside-down in the Southern Hemisphere to meet and interact with users from the Argentinian and Latin-American community. It will be the first meeting of this kind in Buenos Aires, but hopefully the first of many more, as our aim is to consolidate it and make it an annual event of reference. The idea behind this event is to show and promote Buenos Aires as a cultural destination and also to promote the art exchange between a selected group of artists and Instagrammers by doing a visual arts exhibition. Attendees will be part of the #Upsidedownmeet, with four days of cultural and photographic activities, especially designed to see strategic spots in Buenos Aires. Attendees will also be invited to the art exhibition opening ceremony and the final #Upsidedownmeet taking place on Sunday at the Old Inmigrants' Museum.
Event ID: 3104S
Valid Departure Dates: 3/5/2016 - 3/18/2016
Book By: 3/18/2016
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